Swiss Embassy Residence

This is the residence that belongs to a Swiss ambassador. 

Project Details:


Washington Building Congress Craftsmanship 

Award: Curtainwall, USA, 2007

RIBA International Award, UK, 2007

    23,000 square foot Residence

   ~52% More efficient than ASHRAE 90.1 – 2004

Building Efficient Features:

1. Improved Lighting Design

2. Improved Lighting Controls (Occupancy Sensors)

3. Daylight Harvesting

4. Automatic Dimming Controls

5. Automatic External Shading

6. Energy Recovery Ventilation

7. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Fans

8. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Pumps

9. High-Efficiency Condensing Boilers

10. Floor Heating in all Spaces

11. Floor Air Curtains (at Exterior Doors)

12. Ultra High-Efficiency Air-Cooled Chiller

13. Displacement Air Ventilation

14. EMS Control Strategies (for energy savings)