Minnie Howard School

This is the Minnie Howard School located in Alexandria, VA

Project Details:



Green Building 1st Place, 2009

Engineering a Sustainable School publication, March 2011

School Planning and Management publication, April 2012


  134,000 square foot School

 ~55% More efficient than ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007


Building Efficient Features:

1. Improved Lighting Design

2. Daylight Harvesting

3. 2-Step Lighting Dimming Controls

4. Ground-Loop Heat Exchanger (GLHX) Thermal Storage

5. VRF Ground-Source Heat Pump System

6. Energy Recovery Ventilation

7. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Fans

8. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Pumps

9. Geo-Solar DHW/HW Array (500 MBH)

10. DHW Thermal Storage

11. LED Interior Lighting

12. LED Exterior Lighting

13. Green Touch Screen

14. EMS Control Strategies (for energy savings)

Additional Information:

Initial Investment Cost: $655,000.

  • Energy Savings is ~54,633 Mbtu (or 16 Million kWh) over 20 years
  • Adjusted Internal Rate of Return = 3.34%
  • Simple Payback~5 years
  • Discounted Payback ~12 years
  • Lifetime From Well Field is 50+ years
  • Energy Cost Savings of ~640,000 over 20 years (in PV 2008 Dollars)
  • Life cycle Cost Savings ~$406,000 over 20 years (in PV 2008 Dollars)
  • Reduction of Greenhouse Gases 63,426 metric tons CO2, 27.1 metric tons SO2,   and 11.7 metric tons Nox  over 20 years
