John Champe High School

This is the John Champe High School located in Loudoun County, VA

Project Details:


 290,000 square foot School

~31% More efficient than ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007

(Two-Story Prototype)

Building Efficient Features:

1. Improved Lighting and Controls Design

2. Primary Variable Flow Chiller Plant

3. Primary  Variable Flow Condensing Boiler Plant

4. Energy Recovery Ventilation

5. Solar DHW  Heating

6. Solar HW Heating (VAV Reheat)

7. Solar PV Array (10 kW)

8. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Fans

9. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Pumps

10. LED Interior Lighting w/Daylight Harvesting

11. LED Exterior Lighting

12. Green Touch Screen

13. EMS Control Strategies (for energy savings)