James K. Polk Elementary School

This is the James K. Polk Elementary School located in Alexandria, VA.

Project Details:


VSBA Green Building Honorable Mention, 2010

VEFP Innovation Bronze Award, 2013

EFPI New and Renovations Best Design Award, 2015


 78,000 square foot School

 46% More efficient than ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007

(Two-Story Prototype)

Building Efficient Features:

1.  Improved Lighting Design

2. Improved Lighting Controls (Occupancy Sensors)

3. Daylight Harvesting

4. 2-Step Lighting Dimming Controls

5. Ground-Loop Heat Exchanger (GLHX) Thermal Storage

6. VRF Ground-Source Heat Pump System

7. Energy Recovery Ventilation

8. Geo-Solar DHW/HW Array (200 MBH)

9. DHW Thermal Storage

10. Solar PV Array (76 kW)

11. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Fans

12. Energy Efficient Variable Flow Pumps

13. LED Interior Lighting

14. LED Exterior  Lighting

15. Green Touch Screen

16. EMS Control Strategies (for energy savings)